Integrate Airtable with Cascade

If you're collaborating with your teams in Airtable, and want to hook it to Cascade, then here it is - a very easy and quick way to integrate and track metrics. Be it the number of sales leads, onboarding of employees, pipeline numbers, project metrics, number of marketing campaigns, bring every metric to the relevant measures in Cascade. You can also bring in an action's current progress (% of completion, probability of a deal getting closed, etc.,) tracked in a Airtable to Cascade via Zapier.

Every time the value changes in the Airtable, Cascade automatically updates those for you. This integration with Cascade is enabled through Zapier.

Before you proceed, it's important that these pre-requisites are met:

  • A 'measure' in Cascade that has Zapier chosen as the tracking type, initial and target values defined.

  • Airtable account with a file (Base) that has the measure's progress value (that needs to be updated in Cascade).

  • API token from your Airtable account.

  • Zapier account.

See How to Use Zapier with Cascade article to establish a connection between Cascade and Zapier.

  1. Create a Zap: When you select Zapier from the measure's tracking section, a modal pop-up redirects you to Zapier. Click + Create Zap from the left navigation pane. You'll now see the Zap's builder interface. On the top-left, enter the name for your Zap.

  2. Connect Airtable: Search for Airtable app, and set the event as New Record. Choose your Airtable account - it'll prompt to enter the Airtable API key which can be obtained from your Airtable Profile > Account Overview > API Section. To set the trigger, you've to choose the relevant Airtable Base, the table in which the data is stored. This table will be monitored for any updated rows. Click Next, and Zapier establishes the connection with Airtable.

  3. Connect to Cascade Strategy: Choose Cascade Strategy (with Beta tag against it), and allow the connection to your Cascade account. The event is set to Update Measure Current Value in this case. Select the Workspace, Plan, and the Measure to be updated. In the Measure Value field, choose the value that you need to map from Airtable to Cascade.AirtableSet20Up20Action-1

  4. Review and Publish: Test the zap to see if the measure is updated in Cascade. Publish the zap, and the integration is enabled. You've now successfully established the trigger and action. Once the zap is published, whenever you add a new row in the relevant Airtable Base, the value will automatically be updated in Cascade.

Go to Cascade, and in the measure that you chose Zapier as tracking, you'll see the progress updated. It might take a while to reflect the progress. 


For more help with the Airtable-Zapier workflows, please search for "Airtable" in Zapier Help Center.


My test with Zapier was unsuccessful. How should I proceed?

You can skip the test, and proceed to publish the zap. It might still reflect the progress in Cascade perfectly. But if it does not update the value, then reach out to us.

There is a connection error with Zapier.

Start a new zap connection, and redo the steps.

My "updated row" trigger is triggering too many times.

It might be because you must have added a row somewhere in the sheet, and not at the very bottom. In that case, it'll consider every row after the insertion as an updated row and keep triggering.

"404 or Troubleshoot" error.

Please check if you've a measure created in Cascade with Zapier chosen as Tracking. Create a new zap, and redo the steps. If the issue persists, please contact us.

I've completed all the steps, and yet the Publish to Zap is disabled. Why?

Look out for ZapierNot20done-Oct-07-2024-08-19-54-1063-AM against any of the steps. If this is shown, it means that the particular step is not completed. Please go back, complete that step, and you'll now see that the publish is enabled.