What "Table columns" to display in the Report?

In the Generate Reports article, you would've seen how to build a basic report. Now, you can go ahead and decide what columns you wish to see in your reports so as to enable you to get meaningful strategic insights.

Click Edit Table Settings, and click Table Columns.


The Common Fields are the ones that're available in Cascade readily, and Other Fields are the custom fields that you configure in Admin > Settings > Custom Fields. While Objectives is mandatory, you can choose to display any combination of these common fields in the report:

  • Team that's assigned for the plan.

  • Owner of the objectives and its associated success criteria .

  • Health of the objectives and its associated success criteria - can be Achieved, At RiskOn Track, or Behind.

  • Progress of the objectives depending on the tracking of their success criteria.

  • Activity to list the recent activity - this data is taken from the relevant Goal hub > Activity tab. Click Recent20Activity-1to view the entire recent activity details - comments, risks, weighting, progress, owner or collaborator changes, and so on. Please note that this icon is available only for objectives.

  • Value and Target of the objective and its associated success criteria - actual values achieved and the target defined.

  • Value, the actual value achieved on date.

  • Target to be met, which is defined for the objective and its associated success criteria.

  • Contributors to the objective and its associated success criteria.

  • Progress change (MoM) of the objectives and its associated success criteria between today and the last 30 days i.e., the month-on-month progress.

  • Progress change (QoQ) of the objectives and its associated success criteria between the last quarter and now i.e., the quarter-on-quarter progress.

  • Progress change (YoY) of the objectives and its associated success criteria between the last year and present i.e., the year-on-year progress.

  • Start date of the objective and its associated success criteria.

  • Due date or the End date of the objective and its associated success criteria.

  • (Appears only when both Start and Due dates are selected)Time Frame of the objectives and its associated success criteria - start and the due date defined for the objective and its associated success criteria. This column will not appear if we do not select either of the start or due date. 

  • Updated date, the date when the last progress was made on the objective and its associated success criteria.

  • Last update (Title only) shows just the title of the latest update made on the objective and its success criteria either while scooting the progress bar manually and attaching quick and concise updates or detailed updates posted on the Updates tab in the sidebar. Click on it to view the entire content (snapshot) of the progress and the update posted on them.

  • Last update (Full content) shows the entire update (title and contents) made on the objective and its success criteria either while scooting the progress bar manually and attaching quick and concise updates or detailed updates posted on the Updates tab in the sidebar. The row height is adjusted automatically so that you can see the entire content (snapshot) of the progress and the update posted on them.

  • Risks added to the objective and its associated success criteria. Click on it to see the risks added.

  • Types added to the objective and its associated criteria.

The Other Fields may vary depending on the custom fields you've configured in Create Templates and Custom Fields. Some examples are Budget, Effort, Priority, Timeline, Stage Gate, and so on. The values that you entered in these fields in the relevant entities' Sidebar will be displayed in the report.

Click the plus icon to expand the objectives to list its associated measures/actions/contributing objectives. If you choose more than one plan or team in the data source, those will be displayed in a separate table later in that page.

Table Columns in "Teams" table:

While the Name is mandatory (disabled for editing) for this report, the other columns can be chosen as per your requirement:

  • Job Title of the team members.

  • Last Activity done on any initiative. This data is taken from the relevant Goal hub > Activity tab, and can include any recent activities like comments, risks, progress, owner or collaborator changes, and so on.

  • Initiatives, the objectives/measures/actions/projects they own.

  • Overall Health of their initiatives.

Table Columns in "Initiatives" table:

While the Initiatives is mandatory (disabled for editing) for this report, the other columns can be chosen as per your requirement:

  • Due Date of the initiative.

  • Last update (Title only) shows just the title of the latest update made on the initiative either while scooting the progress bar manually and attaching quick and concise updates or detailed updates posted on the Updates tab in the sidebar. Click on it to view the entire content (snapshot) of the progress and the update posted on the initiative.

  • Last update (Full content) shows the entire update (title and contents) made on the initiative either while scooting the progress bar manually and attaching quick and concise updates or detailed updates posted on the Updates tab in the sidebar. The row height is adjusted automatically so that you can see the entire content (snapshot) of the progress and the update posted on the initiative.

  • Updated date, the date when the last progress was made on the initiatives.

  • Target to be met.

  • Progress made on the initiative.

  • Health of the initiative.

  • Risks added to the initiative.

Table Columns in "Measures" table:

While the Measures' name is mandatory (disabled for editing) for this report, the other columns can be chosen as per your requirement:

  • Due date or the End date of the measure.

  • Start date/End date of the measure.

  • Objective under which the measure resides.

  • Progress of the measure at that date and time.

  • Created date of the measure.

  • Health of the measure - can be Achieved, At RiskOn Track, or Behind.

  • Progress change (QoQ) of the measure between the last quarter and now i.e., the quarter-on-quarter progress.

  • Expected Progress of the measure at that date and time.

  • Actual Value of the measure achieved on date.

  • Description, additional context (if available) for the measure.

  • Last update (Title only) shows just the title of the latest update made on the measure either while scooting the progress bar manually and attaching quick and concise updates or detailed updates posted on the Updates tab in the sidebar. Click on it to view the entire content (snapshot) of the progress and the update posted on the measure.

  • Last update (Full content) shows the entire update (title and contents) made on the measure either while scooting the progress bar manually and attaching quick and concise updates or detailed updates posted on the Updates tab in the sidebar. The row height is adjusted automatically so that you can see the entire content (snapshot) of the progress and the update posted on the measure.

  • Team that's assigned for the plan in which the measure resides.

  • Target to be met, which is defined for the measure.

  • Type added to the measure.

  • Risks added to the measure. Click on it to see the risks added.

  • Progress change (MoM) of the measure between today and the last 30 days i.e., the month-on-month progress.

  • Progress change (YoY) of the measure between the last year and present i.e., the year-on-year progress.

  • Owner of the measure.

  • Last Comment made on the Comments section in the measure's sidebar.

Table Columns in "Progress" table:

While the objective's name is mandatory (disabled for editing) for this report, the other columns you could wish to have or not are:

  • Unit of the objectives and its success criteria. The unit is always in percentage since that's how the progress of the goals is shown in our platform.

  • Health of the objectives and its success criteria.

  • Target set for the objectives and its success criteria.

Table columns in "Discover" table:

Click Table column icon(Table columns) icon to choose the columns that you wish to display in the Discover table.

Table columns in Disover view

The fields that're readily available in Cascade are visible first and after a demarcated line, the custom fields in your workspace that is configured in the Admin > Settings > Custom fields are available. While the Entity or Goal's title is mandatory, you can choose to display any combination of these fields as columns in the table:

  • Owner of the goal.

  • Collaborators in the goal.

  • Team assigned to the plan in which the goal resides.

  • Health of the goal.

  • Progress of the goal (in %) on that date.

  • Type added to the goal.

  • Status of the goal; This is applicable only for Actions and Projects.

  • Start date of the goal.

  • End date of the goal.

  • Update due on is the date by which the next update is due. This is available only if a schedule is set from the Reminder schedule of the goals' sidebar.

  • Update posted date is the date by which the recent update was made on that goal.

  • Last update shows the entire update made on the goal either while scooting the progress bar manually and attaching quick and concise updates or detailed updates posted on the Updates tab in the sidebar.

  • Contributes to displays the parent of the goal. For objectives, this will show the Focus area or the objective it contributes to and for measures, it'll display its parent objective and so on.

  • Parent plan shows the plan in which the goal resides.

  • Parent objective shows the objective under which the action, project, measure, nested/contributing objective resides.

  • Parent project shows the project under which the action resides.

  • Description displays the additional details that is available in the Description field of the plans, focus areas, objectives, etc.

  • # Open Risks displays the current count of open risks against the goal.

  • Open Risks displays the title, description, and severity of the open risks against the goal (sorted by severity, highest to lowest).

  • Focus Area(s) lists all the Focus Areas the goal sits within across plans (note that if you have renamed "Focus Areas" to a new alias in the Strategy Model, the column name and selection will reflect that alias).

Below the line, you can choose the relevant custom fields available for the selected entity to show them in the report. The values entered in these fields in the goals' sidebar will be displayed in the report. See Create Templates and Custom Fields for more information on custom fields.