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The "Home" Page

You get an instant high-level view of what's happening with regards to your profile in the workspace here.

At-a-glance, you can understand about the plans you are associated with, the progress of your work, the favorite teams you are part of, learn the updates of different teams, and a quick info about Cascade.

The "Home" Page has 3 tabs: Overview, MyWork and Kanban.

Let's try to understand this area-wise.  


"Overview" tab

'Plan' Area

If you're a new user, you will see a Build your first plan area, where we'll let you to either Add a new plan or Import existing plan. If you were invited as collaborator on a plan, then you'll see that plan displayed here. You'll have the option to add or import a plan from here till the workspace has three plans. The recently viewed plans at this stage will be displayed under Recently Viewed area.

When the workspace has more than three plans, then this area will not appear in your Home page.

'My Work' Area

This area specifies the work that're assigned to you and are due. If you're a new user with no plans created, then we'll let you Create Plan from here as well.

However, if you have plans in progress, then this area will display the work (objectives/actions/projects/measures), its progress, and the health of your work. This'll be split up into two sections - My upcoming goals and My upcoming work. While the objectives (including nested) and its success criteria that you and collaborate, and are due soon is listed under the My upcoming goals section, the actions/tasks that you own and collaborate, and are due soon are listed under My upcoming work. This lets you to prioritize your work and strategize better. 

  • Only those goals that're past their end dates will not appear in these two sections.

  • The "My upcoming work" section will only list the actions (under projects too), and will not list the objectives and measures.

  • Irrespective of the goal's health, i.e., even if the health is "Achieved" or "Exceeded", they'll be displayed in these sections.

  • Even if the action or projects' status is "On hold", "Wont do" or "Done", they'll still appear in these sections.

A few points to note here are:

  • In the My upcoming goals section,

    • all the objectives (including nested objectives) that you own or collaborate will appear

    • depending on the due dates, the goals will be listed in the order of their creation

    • if you own or collaborate on an objective, then you'll be able to view all the success criteria underneath it

    • if you're not an owner or collaborator of an objective but if you own or collaborate only on an action or project or measure, then you'll see those objectives but will list only those relevant action or project or measure underneath it. For example, you're an owner or collaborator of only a measure under an objective, then you'll see that objective with only that measure available here. It'll not list the actions or projects under that objective since you're not an owner or collaborator on that objective.

    • if you own a goal and a reminder is set for making progress updates, then you can click Update and make an update from the Updates tab of the goal's sidebar. In case of an Essentials and Enterprise+ tier, if there're any custom templates that is available in your workspace for the goals, then they'll be listed in the Update as a list, which you can then choose to make an update.

  • In the My upcoming work section,

    • all the actions that you own or collaborate (under objectives and projects) will appear

    • if you only have "edit permissions", then will you be able to update progress from here (manually scoot the slider, cross-off checklists, and milestones)

    • if you only have "view permissions" on the actions you own or collaborate, then those will be listed here but you'll not be able to make any progress updates.

    • if you own a goal and a reminder is set for making progress updates, then you can click Update and make an update from the Updates tab of the goal's sidebar. In case of an Essentials and Enterprise+ tier, if there're any custom templates that is available in your workspace for the goals, then they'll be listed in the Update as a list, which you can then choose to make an update.

Hover the mouse over the progress bar to know the actual and expected progress. Use the manual slider to update your progress, and post a quick update. Remember that if you had chosen Checklists as your tracking option for actions, then you'll not be able to manually slide the progress bar from here.

Click on any entity to open the relevant Sidebar, and edit the details.

'Recent Updates' Area

This area will list the updates made by the users in your workspace -  Team updates posted by different teams and the Goal updates i.e., updates made on an objective, measure, project, action. However, you can click View all or filter to see only the Team updates at this point.

A snapshot of the objective/measure/project/action is taken at the time of the update, and can be seen in the posted update. You can click on the snapshot to view the details from the relevant sidebar. You can add comments to these updates as well as post updates from here.

'Team' Area

If you are a new user, you'll see a Invite your team to join you area, where we'll let you Invite Teammates. If you were invited as a team member, then you'll see the profile pictures/initials (if they haven't uploaded their profile pictures) of your invitee along with yours.

Once you exhaust the invites from here (more than 'three' persons in your workspace), then this area will be displayed as Create a Team, and displays the profile pictures/initials (if they haven't uploaded their profile pictures) of your teammates.

And, if you are already a part of a team or have created a team, then this area will not appear in your Home page.

'My Favorites' Area

This area will list the plans that you have marked favorite. If you haven't marked any, then no data will be displayed. Click View Plans to see the plans in Plans and Teams > All Plans page.

If you've marked more than three plans as favorite, then this area will display the recently viewed three favorite plans. Now, when you click View All, this will filter and display all your favorite plans in Plans and Teams > All Plans page.

Home Page - Subsequent logins

This is how your Home page will look, once you've started working. You can click Customize Home, and from the Sidebar that opens, you can select the background color that you wish to apply for the home screen.


If you've a 'Viewer' role assigned to your profile, then you'll see 'Browse Plans' instead of Create Plan, and can only add comments in the plans that you are associated with, in the 'My Work' area. The 'Teams' area will also not be available.

"MyWork" tab

"My Work" shows you all tasks that you own or collaborate on, ensuring you can prioritize and execute tasks swiftly. Please click this link for the full article.

"Kanban" tab

"Kanban" shows you all of the actions that you own or collaborate on, providing a board in which you can drag actions to indicate status' (To Do, In Progress, On Hold, Done and Won't Do). Please click this link for the full article.


What's the difference between Recent updates and Recent notifications?

Recent updates has all the team and goal level updates made by the users in your workspace. And, Recent notifications notifies you on anything that you're a part of, i.e., making any edits or updates on the goals that you own or collaborate, when something is shared with you or when someone tags you.

When to post updates?

Updates are posted at a team level or at a goal level to do a check-in or provide an insight to everyone into what's happening. It can be a weekly or monthly check-in of a team, or something about the progress or performance of a goal that you wish to notify everyone on.
Depending on your choice of updating the progress on a goal or team, you can choose weekly, monthly, quarterly, biannually, or annually, and based on this, you can further select the day of your choice to make updates.
Based on the cadence that you set in the Update schedule dropdown while creating a custom template or set it from the Set schedule or Update reminder section in the goals' sidebar, the owner of the entity will receive notifications both in-app and mail to remind them to make progress updates.

Where can I see the goals assigned to me?

The My upcoming goals and My upcoming work sections lists the objectives and actions that you own and collaborate. See My work section in this article for more details.

But, if you wish to see the goals assigned to your team or team members, then you need to build a "Team table" in Reports to get those details.

Will I receive notifications for making updates on the goals that I own?

Yes. You can set reminders from the Update reminder section of the goal's sidebar and you'll (goal owner) receive notifications both via mail and in-app on the day of the update. See Set-up Reminders for Goal Updates for details.