The Goal Hub

Goal Hub is like an extension of your quick-edit Sidebar that allows you to delve deeper into your objective - its progress, the elements feeding into it, activity and strategic contribution.

Click theExplore20icon1-1(Goal Hub icon) against the Objective or Measure or Project or Action from the Planner or Goal20Hub20iconSidebar2 from the relevant Sidebar page to access the Goal Hub. If the tracking and schedule are updated, you will see the expected progress in dotted lines, and the actual progress in the Goal Hub. Hover the mouse over the graph to view the progress and health over time.

With Goal Hub, you can:

  • obtain a holistic view of an objective's performance, understand key priorities/challenges, and plan your efforts accordingly

  • visualize how an entity has performed over time, against expectations - progress and health

  • inspect the audit trail for an entity and obtain more details about a specific event

  • visualize in real-time with data rendered from inline changes, table updates, etc.

When accessing the Goal Hub of the main Objective, you will see the status tiles that group by health the Success Criteria associated with said Objective.
Use the Entity Tab Bar to filter your Objective by Measures, Initiatives, Actions or Objectives.
Use the Update Tab Bar to view all updates, risks, and comments related to the entity you are currently viewing.
You can quick-edit your success criteria from the relevant sidebars or make real-time progress updates from here.Goal Hub-1

What does each tab show?

Everything is now organized into clearly labeled tabs. Depending on what type of entity you are viewing, these will be a bit different.

Progress Tracking:

Shows the actual progress made by you against the expected progress. You can also make real-time progress here by manually scooting the progress bar or add historical progress by editing the "Measure Data" table in the case of measures. Note that you cannot scoot the progress bar in case of actions tracked with checklists.

  • In case of measures, the Update history area is replaced by the Measure Data table, which displays the target and the actual data for the measure over different dates. 

  • While the target is calculated based on the schedule that you specify in the Measure's Expected Progress section, the actual shows the actual progress that you make.

  • If you're updating the target manually and want to reset it to the automated calculation, you can click Reset targets. Once done, all the targets that you entered manually will be deleted.

  • Toggle between Running Total and Net Change options to view the cumulative and non cumulative values in the table.

  • Click Edit Data to add or edit the dates, actual and target values, going back in dates, and you will see the progress updated with those values. If you've multiple entries on the same date, hover the mouse over the tooltip to look at the timestamp and understand when each entry was made on that day.

  • Click the three dots against a row either to add rows to add progress in the dates you wish, or to delete rows to remove certain entries. Click Save to see the progress graph changing accordingly.

Remember that you'll not be able to edit the actual value or historical progress for integrations-enabled or metrics-connected measures. If you wish to do it, you need to do it at the source and not from within Cascade. You can click "Edit date & target" to edit or add only the dates and target values from here.
But, if a measure is connected to a manual metric, then you can edit the metric table to add or update targets, actual value and historical data points. Accessing the goal hub opens up the metric table too in these cases.

In case of milestones tracked actions, you can click Modify Milestone Schedule to edit the milestone details, dates, add new milestones or remove all milestones. Click Reset to revert the changes, and X icon to delete a milestone.


Displays the entire history of updates (comments, progress updates, risks) made on the entity since the day of its creation, thus leaving a trail for audit.


Displays what updates were made, by whom, and when. It'll display a snapshot of the update of when the post was made to look into the details from the goals' Sidebar. You can post updates or add comments to these updates here. Also, if you wish to share it elsewhere, you can click the three dots against the update, click Copy Update Link, and paste it in Slack, Teams, mail, etc., to share the link to the Updates page.


Displays the risks, and its related components. You can also create a risk from here, or can click Report this to take you to the Reports page to see a report on risks.

You can also scoot the slide bar to make progress updates, quick-edit the relevant entities from the Sidebar, or add any success criteria with the relevant Add options.

How to interpret the measure's progress graph in the Goal hub?

In the case of measures, the progress made is displayed based on if its a historical data or an actual value or a progress pulled in from your integrated data source.


  • Black opaque dots - Displayed in the case of integration enabled measures for all the data points (current or historical). Or, displayed for manually tracked measures when you enter a value for a date in the past from the Edit data table.

  • Colored transparent dots - Displayed for values made from the manual slider on the current date. The color is determined by the health of the measure.

Why use the Goal Hub instead of just the Sidebar?

Use it when you need to delve deeper into the granular details of your Goals. This means anything from seeing a chart that visualizes goal progress over time, finding a comment on an Update to tuning your tracking to be just right. The Goal Hub also gives you more space to view your Goal when the sidebar just isn't quite big enough.