"Single Measure Performance" widget

Use this widget if you want to check how a measure or KPI or metric has performed over time. This is tracked against the target and the expected progress, and will let you analyze the course of action. 

For example, revenue or expenses over time, new hires, expansion over time, etc..

The measures are grouped by units, and when you select a measure within the time range, you can see a line chart depicting its progress. You can also add this widget in your reports from the Chart icon there. See Generate Reports for details.


Even if your measure's tracking method is customized, i.e., "maintain" targets specified, you can pull those measures to depict its progress using this widget.Maintain20measure20line20chart

The solid line connects the dots, the progress made by users at those dates, while the dotted line represents the target defined in those measures. If you've made just a single update in the measure, you'll just see a dot on that particular date, and the dotted lines for target. And if you've not made any progress in that measure, you'll see no data in this widget.

Click into the chart to open the context table - you'll see the details like owner, due date, progress, health, and the plan to which it belongs. You can sort the fields, the way you want. Click into any of these rows to open the relevant entity from the Sidebar.

Once the widget is saved, you'll also see today's progress and the target that needs to be achieved on the top-right corner of the widget.