Report Settings

The Reports page lists all the reports generated in your workspace. You can search for a required report, sort the fields to display relevant reports, mark some reports as favorite, and so on.

  • The Recently Viewed area shows the reports that you recently accessed. 

  • All Reports shows all the reports in your workspace, along with the reports that you created. 

However, "private" reports i.e., those reports with "no access" set for all users in workspace will not be displayed here. Only if you're an Admin or someone with view/edit permissions on a private report will see it displayed in the "All reports" tab.

  • My favorites lists the reports that you marked as favorite.

  • My reports lists all the reports that you created.

  • Shared with me lists the reports shared with you.

By default, all the reports in the workspace are made "private" i.e., not available for anyone except the Admins and the owner of the report. You can share the report and restrict the permissions on it by manually defining them for each user. This can be done either by an user with an Admin role or by the person who created the report (owner). However, users with "Viewer" access will only be able to view and comment on the reports or snapshots. See Report Permissions for more details.


You can toggle to sort and view the reports by alphabetic order, creation and modified dates in a specific order. Click the three dots against the report name, and click

  • Settings to open the Report Settings window. If you wish to change the name of the report, or assign someone else as the owner, you can do it from here. However, you can only change ownership to a person who's already existing in the workspace, and you cannot add a viewer as owner. Also, if you wish to change the privacy settings of the report, choose the relevant privacy option and save it.

  • Share to share the report and its snapshots with the users in your workspace. Type their email addresses, give view-edit access, and click Share. They'll receive a notification (if enabled) that a report is shared with them.

    • Irrespective of whatever access you assign the Admin and Viewer, they'll automatically inherit the edit access in case of admins, and view access in the case of viewers.

    • You can revoke someone's access at any time, by clicking remove from the dropdown against their name from this window. Share20report-1

  • Duplicate to duplicate a report. This will create a copy of the existing report. You can edit the report name, and from the Table Settings, select the data that you need to generate a report. Only those with edit permissions on the parent report can duplicate it. The duplicated report will retain the same settings as the parent report from which it was duplicated.

How to delete a Report?

Only the report owners, users with Admin roles, or users with edit access to those reports can delete them. From the Reports page, you can delete a report in either of two ways:

  • Click the three dots against the report you wish to delete, and click Delete.

  • Click and open the report. In that report page, click the three dots against the name on the top-left corner, and click Delete.

On confirmation, the report will be deleted.

Once you delete the report, the snapshots taken from that report will also be deleted. Also, there is no way to restore the deleted report.