Report Permissions

Though enabling access and permissions are available in all paid tiers tiers, making a report "private" by assigning "no access" is available only for "Essentials and Enterprise+" tiers.

In the Access and Permissions article, you would've understood the accountability and permissions that can be granted, and how permissions provide access control and privacy. Here, let us see how access and permissions work at a granular level in reports. 

A report can either be set as a 

  • public report, i.e., setting up either "can edit" or "can view" for all the members of the workspace.

  • or, private report, i.e., setting up "no access" to the report to maintain absolute privacy. For example, the report has sensitive company information, financial KPIs, which need not be exposed to everyone. This is available only for Essentials and Enterprise+ tiers.

While we talk about permissions at a report level, it extends to its snapshots as well.

How to assign permissions to a report?

Click Share from the three dots against the report name from the Reports page (where all the reports are listed) or click the Share20report20icon(Share) icon from the relevant report to access the Share modal.

By default, when a report is created, it is set up as a "private" report, i.e., nobody in the workspace will be able to view or edit the report except for admins and the one who created the report. 

If you wish to share your private report, then you can invite those people by typing in their names or mail addresses, and click Share. These people and team members will then have access to this private report.

You cannot assign permission to a team for Reports from its Share modal.

But, say, you're ok with everyone viewing your report, then you can change it to All members in this workspace can edit


Apart from this high-level access, you can enable access permissions at a user level too. By default, whoever creates the report becomes its Owner, however, they can be changed from the report's Settings. Except for the owner and those with admin privileges, you can restrict the permissions on a report at the workspace level from the Share modal.

Click Share20report20icon(Share) icon to share the report with the users in your workspace. Type their email addresses, give view-edit access, and click Share. They'll receive a notification (if enabled) that a report is shared with them.

Irrespective of whatever access you assign the Admin and Viewer, they'll automatically inherit the edit access in case of admins, and view access in the case of viewers. You can revoke someone's access at any time, by clicking remove from the dropdown against their name from this window.


Only those with edit permissions on a report can create snapshots, duplicate or delete them. See Report Settings for details.


Can I change the owner to someone else?

Yes, click the three dots against the report name, and click Settings. You'll be able to change the owner from here if you're an Admin or have edit permissions. Remember that you can only add a person who's already there in the workspace. Also, you cannot add a Viewer as owner.Report20settings

If the ownership is changed, will the access permissions be retained?

No, once the ownership of a dashboard is changed, all their access have to re-enabled manually.

I've some sensitive data in my report which I do not want to expose to other users in my workspace.

You can set the report as private, i.e., "no access" for everyone in the workspace. This way, no one will have access to this sensitive information and you can have absolute privacy. Unless someone has an Admin access, they'll not find this report in their reports list.

I'm a HR head and have created a report that contains data related to HR team. Though everyone can see this report, I do not want any person other than my team to edit this report.

Though enabling permissions at a team level is not available now, in this case, you can set the report as "can view" for all the members of the workspace. And, start typing the name or mail addresses of your team members, and grant them "can edit" access. So, while this report can just be viewed by everyone else, those with edit permissions can only work on the report.

I'm drafting an early version, and do not want it to be available to a wider audience. However, I want a few of them to weigh in and give feedback alone.

You can set the report as private, i.e., "no access" to everyone in the workspace, and give "can view" access to the relevant people from the Share modal. Those who have "view access" can just view and provide comments in your report.

We're working on pulling insights for the upcoming All Hands Meeting. Though this data can be viewed by everyone, we want to restrict editing to leadership level.

Set the report as public i.e., "can view" to everyone in the workspace, and give "can edit" access to the relevant people. Those with "can edit" permission can work on the report itself.

During the free trial period, I had set permissions to reports. What happens once the free trial is over?

Once the trial is over, none of these permissions are changed. 

For example, you've set the "Company Board" report to "no access" during trial. After the trial, in case, you've not upgraded, then the report will still retain its privacy. And, you cannot change its access to public, nor can you provide anyone else view/edit access, since permission is behind paywall. Only the admins who've overriding permissions will still have access to this report or snapshot. 

Also, if you had enabled view/edit permissions to anyone else who is not an Admin, before the trial ended, they'll also retain those view/edit permissions.

Can I export the report or share them externally?

Yes. You can export them as a PDF at the report level and share them. Or, export the individual widgets (tables or charts) to CSV format to get the data out of Cascade and be used in some data system elsewhere. External sharing via a link in the mail will be coming soon.

I'm an Admin, and am still not able to grant anyone access. My free trial period just got over.

Permissions are behind paywalls. Even if you're an admin, if the free trial is over, you'll not enjoy those benefits of a paid tier. Please upgrade to paid tier to experience Cascade to its fullest.

I've data from private plans in my reports.

If you wish not to expose this data to others, then you can set the report as "private", and manually give view or edit access to the relevant people in your workspace. However, if you wish to keep this as "public", do not worry. Those who do not have access to that private plan will not be able to edit the data source nor will they be able to look into the details from the Sidebar.