"Progress table" for reporting on progress over time

A report that is exclusively built to help the company executives analyze or compare past progress performances and determine if the organization’s objectives and strategies are attainable is very important. It'll help them to better their business and strategy governance by identifying adjustments to forecasting and resource allocations, and mitigate risks much earlier.

You can build visuals using custom charts (Build Custom Charts) with Time in X axis which will let you to compare progress of goals over different time periods. Also, you can use this Progress table when you need to understand how the objectives and its success criteria are progressing over time. This table provides a visual representation of progress over time, making it easier for you to track, act and manage your work. For example, this report will be insightful for resource utilization and availability, business level operational performances, monthly health checks, and so on.

From the Table20icon20in20report1 (Table) icon, click the Progress table, select the Plan(s) or Focus area(s) and choose the relevant entity from the dropdown list, give the table a title, choose a time range, and click Save. You'll see a table with the progress of all the objectives with its success criteria in the relevant plan(s) or focus area(s) for the chosen date range.

This table will not pull in more than one level of nested objectives' progress information.

When you create goals, based on the target, due dates and update schedule or cadence, Cascade calculates the expected progress for the goals. Expected Progress refers to the ideal progress value for a given goal at a specific point in time. As and when you make progress on the goals, depending on the actual and the expected progress, in this table, you'll see a visualization of the progress trend (green for positive, red for negative and white for no updates), the difference between the actual and expected values, and the percentage by which it is differing for the chosen time period.

Click the Time20series (Time series) icon to choose monthly, quarterly or annually and depending on this the progress will be displayed for that time frame. You can toggle between the Change and Offset tabs to look the progress for the chosen time series.

Change view:

Change refers to the difference in percentage between the progress values (actual value that is entered while updating progress) between today and the previous month(MoM) or quarter(QoQ) or year(YoY) depending on the Time series that you chose.


Offset view:

Offset refers to the amount in percentage by which something is out of line, i.e., the difference between the actual value and the expected for the chosen Time series.Offset20description

Table Columns in Progress table:

While the objective's name is mandatory (disabled for editing) for this report, the other columns you could wish to have or not are:

  • Unit of the objectives and its success criteria. The unit is always in percentage since that's how the progress of the goals is shown in our platform.

  • Health of the objectives and its success criteria.

  • Target set for the objectives and its success criteria.

Filters in Progress table:

You can filter the data in this table only by the plans or focus areas or both - just choose them from the list, and apply the filter to look at the report as required.

Group by - Progress table:

You can group the tables by plan, focus area, team, health, and owner, or you can choose multiple options to display your report accordingly.

For example, if you choose health and owner, then the tables will be grouped by owners within a health label - Objectives owned by different owners which're on track will be grouped, at risk will be grouped, and so on for the objectives owned by different owners. If an option is disabled while selecting this combination, this means you cannot group it by that option, and you'll need to choose some other available options, as per your need.


Can I export the report or share them externally?

Yes. You can export them as a PDF at the report level and share them. Or, export the individual widgets (tables or charts) to CSV format to get the data out of Cascade and be used in some data system elsewhere. External sharing via a link in the mail will be coming soon.

Can I upgrade just one member of my Team to premium so that I can make more full reports? And leave the others at the free end for them to just view reports?

No, the tier benefits are at workspace level, and not at user or plan levels. If you've viewer seats left, you can add them as viewers, and they'll inherit the view access to all functionalities across the workspace. However, the report must also have a public access for others to view it.
If you need to enjoy premium benefits, we can extend your trial for a while so that you can explore all the features that the premium tier has to offer. But the best way would be to upgrade and unlock strategic insights.

What happens if the due date or update schedule is suddenly changed? Will this value be overwritten based on the change?

Yes, the expected progress will be recalculated and impact the values in the table.

Can I export the report to CSV?

Yes. Though you cannot export at the report level, you do so at the individual widget (table or chart) level. Click the three dots and click Export to CSV. The table or widget will be exported successfully in CSV format. Note that only those columns that you've made available in the table will be exported and if you wish to have any more columns, you need to first edit the table and add those before exporting them.

If there're multiple values in a month, how is the value arrived at for progress calculations in this table?

The last value of the month is always taken into consideration and in case of quarter, the last value in the last month of the quarter is considered for progress calculation in the Change and Offset tabs.

Can we also pull in metric data into this table and look at the progress over time?

Only if the metrics are connected to measures, will you be able to see that information in this table.