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Personalize your Profile

From your profile picture/initials, click My Profile under Settings, you can edit your profile details, set up number localization, and decide when and how do you want to be notified in your workspace.

In the Profile tab, you can edit your profile picture, name, job title, and click Save once you're done with the changes. Remember that you cannot change your email address.


How to reset or change your password:

If you're having trouble logging into Cascade or forgot the password associated with your email, you can reset your password from the login page. Note that, this reset password is only applicable if you're entering your email address and password to log into Cascade and not logging with your social login credentials like Google, Microsoft, etc.,.

  1. In the New Experience tab, enter your email address, and click Reset Password.


  2. In the Reset password modal, the email address that you entered will be auto-populated. Check if the email address is right or enter the email address that's associated with your account, and click Send reset link.


  3. You'll now see a confirmation message that the email was sent with the password reset link. If you do not find the email from Cascade, then click Resend email here.

You'll receive the email within a couple of seconds once you click on the "Send Reset link" in the above step.
Please check if the mail is available in the spam or junk folders, or check with your IT team to see if the email is being blocked by security measures before you click "Resend email". And, if you still don't receive the email, then please reach out to us.


4. The reset email will be from Cascade with the subject line Password Reset, and will look something like this:


  1. Click Reset your password in your mail and in the Reset Password modal, enter your new password (minimum 8 characters with a mix of alphanumeric and symbols like ".", "@", "$", etc.,) and click Reset password.


You'll see a success message on password reset and you can click Back to Cascade to take you to the login screen where you can enter your email address with the new password and login successfully.

If you wish to change your password, you can do so from within your workspace.

  1. From your profile picture/initials, click My Profile under Settings.

  2. Click Change Password, and you'll receive a mail to reset your password. Click Reset Password, and complete the next steps. Your password will be changed successfully.

If you've logged in via your Google or LinkedIn account, then you'll not be able to change password from Cascade. i.e., you'll not see the "Change Password" at all in this page.

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Manage your Favorite Reports, Dashboards, Plans and Teams:

You can now make your reports, dashboards, plans and teams marked as "Favorite" 

  • To mark an item as a favorite, click on the add button (located on the right hand side) and select the item you would like to add to your favorite list. The item that is marked as favorite will also be available for a user to view in their Home Page.

  • You can also remove items that are no longer a part of your favorite list. You can also search for items marked as favorite.

  • The feature works similarly to the pinning functionality.

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Select Notification Type:

You can personalize of when and how you need to be notified from the Notifications tab. You'll receive alerts or notifications both via Email and In-app when

  • an objective, measure or action is assigned to you, i.e., when you're made the owner or collaborator of a goal. 

  • something that you own or collaborate is updated - this will trigger notifications only when the goal you own or collaborate is deleted. You'll not be notified if there're these changes in the goal:

    • progress updates,

    • changes in dates,

    • changes in tracking,

    • update or comment posts,

    • change in weights, 

    • custom fields, relationships, and so on.

  • a plan, report or dashboard is shared with you,

  • a risk is assigned to you, i.e., when you're made the owner or collaborator on a risk,

  • your plan import is failing,

  • you're tagged in a comment or update post or mentioned using "@your name/mail address" anywhere within your workspace,

  • you're assigned in an Endorsement required or Notification only custom fields for endorsing on an objective (See Custom Fields: Endorsements),

  • you're due to make a progress update in a goal that you own - this is when the reminder is set in that goal (See Set-up Reminders for Goal Updates)

  • your integrated measure or imported metric is failing to sync progress from your source to Cascade.

However, you can select In-appEmail, or both, depending on how and in which cases you want to be notified. You can also choose not to select any of these options for notifying you, and in that case, you need to be vigilant on what's going on.

If you wish to disable notifications at the workspace level when carrying out a bulk operation like assigning goals, you can reach out to us and we can disable it for you. At any point in time, we can re-enable the notifications at your request. However, notifications cannot be turned off while inviting an user into the workspace. Also, note that when the notifications are disabled at the workspace level, even when certain notifications are enabled in your profile settings, you'll not receive any notifications.

If the In-app option is selected, you'll then see the notifications displayed when you click on the NotificationBell (bell icon) at the top-right corner of any of the pages, and in the Recent notifications section of your Home page.

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You'll see a lot more functionalities for which you can enable/disable notifications here, very soon.

Set up number localization:

Cascade displays every number format within your workspaces in your local format as set by your browser language option by default. You can now set up numbers to be formatted and displayed in your locale from your Profile page. 

  1. From the Localization tab, choose the region from the Locale dropdown. You'll see a preview of how the number format would look like beside the Format.

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This setting does not change the currency to the chosen locale (Euro, Pound, etc.,) as they're specified as "units" in Cascade.

  1. Click Save to reflect the changes. Click Reset to revert back.

The number format that you chose will be reflected across the platform except in the graph visualizations. Even if the numbers are coming in from an external connection like spreadsheets, the numbers will be formatted and displayed in the locale format that you chose.

For example, When Danish is set as Locale, the numbers displayed in the platform will look like this:

This localization setting is done at an individual profile level and does not impact number formats across the workspace for other users. i.e., if you set a number localization, only you would be able to see those locale number formats and not the others in your workspace. They'll only see the default US number format unless they change it from their Profile > Localization page.
If you wish to revert to your default format, select your browsers’ language in the "Localization" page.


I'm facing login issues or password issues while resetting it.

Login issues: Check if you're logging in with the right credentials associated with your workspace. In case you're facing login issues in a workspace that has SSO enabled, reach out to us.

Password issues: If you're using social login, i.e., If you've logged in via your Google, Microsoft or LinkedIn account, then you'll not be able to change password from Cascade. You'll not see the "Change Password" at all in your profile page.

If the issue still persists, please reach to our support.

Can I as an admin turn off notifications at a workspace level?

No, this is not possible at this point in time. Each user needs to do it from their profile settings.

However, while doing bulk operations like assigning/reassigning goals to different users, you can reach out to us to disable the notifications at the workspace level to reduce noise. We can then re-enable notifications at any point in time at your request. Remember that this can be done only by us but notifications cannot be turned off while inviting users into the workspace.

Note that when the notifications are disabled at the workspace level, even when certain notifications are enabled in your profile settings, you'll not receive any notifications.

I need to change my email address.

Currently, you cannot change the email address. In such cases, 

  1. You can add the new email address as a new user from the Admin > Users and send invite.

  2. Once enabled, you can then reassign the goals from the old to the new email address from the Admin > Bulk tools (See Bulk Operations: Goals and Plans), and

  3. Now, from the Admin > Users, search for the old email address, click the three dots against it, and click Delete to delete the old email address from the workspace.

If the domain in your email address is changed, then please reach out to Cascade support to get your email address changed.

What to do if I don't own a goal but want to be notified of its progress?

You can either be added as a collaborator on those goals or be assigned to the Endorsement required or Notification only endorsement custom fields applied to the plan in which the goal resides. See Custom Fields: Endorsements to know how to create endorsement custom fields.