Metric Trees

In Metrics > Metric trees, you can set up metrics in a hierarchical structure and establish relationships between them with or without calculations. For metrics involved in aggregation or relation, you'll see a new tab Metric tree in their sidebar, from where you can see the metric hierarchy.

When connected to a measure, you can see a sub-measure relationship with those child metrics or measures connected to the relevant child metrics in the Planner page. If you wish to explore more on sub-measure feature, please reach out to us and we can enable it for you.

A few points to note:

  • While calculated metrics should have children of the same units, related metrics can have children with different units.

  • Calculated metrics cannot have “related” children, and need to have an operator (sum or average) in order to feed data into the metric.

  • Metric trees cannot contain loops since multiple trees are not yet supported. That is, the parent of metric A cannot also be it’s child.

  • If a metric has children but no parents, then it can be used a child for another metric.

  • If a metric has a parent but no children, then it can be a parent for another metric. However, it cannot be a child to another metric since multiple trees are not yet supported.

  • If a metric has both parents and children, then it is disabled for use.

Metrics with calculation or Calculated metrics:

In Create Aggregated Metrics with Metrics Calculations, you can learn how to create metric trees with calculations like addition and average between the connected or manual metrics. In the aggregated metric, the progress is rolled up to the parent metric from its child metrics.

Aggregated metrics

This is an aggregated or calculated metrics' sidebar:

Aggregate metric sidebar

Metrics with no calculation or Related metrics:

In Create Related Metrics, you can learn how to create metrics that are related to other metrics, but with no calculation. There is no roll up of progress from the child to the parent metric as they're already calculated at the source.

Related metrics-1

This is a related metrics' sidebar:

Related metric sidebar

Click the parent metric in the hierarchy to view or edit the related metrics from its Metric Tree tab.

Metric tree tab-1

The icons detail:

  • Metric connected to a source Whether the metric is connected, calculated or manual. This icon here says that the metric is connected to a source.

  • Metric trend The trend of the metric - higher or lower

  • Number of child metrics Number of child metrics under it. In this case, it says there're 2 child metrics under it.

  • Number of measures connected to the metric Number of measures connected to that metric. Here, it shows 0 as there're no measures connected to the metric.

How to edit or delete a metric in a relationship?

You can edit or delete a metric that is in a relationship (calculation or no calculation) either from the Metric tree tab of its sidebar or from the Metric trees page.

Click the metric and from its Metric tree tab, click Edit metric tree.

  • Select the check-boxes of the metrics that you need to remove from the relationship and click Remove selected.

  • Or, click the Trash icon against the relevant metrics and remove them.

  • If there're also calculations in the metric tree, you can choose to change the option to Sum, Average or Related from the operator dropdown.

  • Click Add metric and choose the metrics that you wish to add.

    Edit metric tree from sidebar

  • Click View metric tree to revert or click Save to see your changes reflected. 

Or, click View full metric tree. This'll open up the metric in the Metric trees page.

  • Click on the metric tile that you wish to remove, and click the Trash icon.

  • If there're also calculations in the metric tree, you can choose to change the option to Sum, Average or Related from the operator dropdown.

  • To add a new metric to the existing tree, drag and drop the metrics from the left pane and assign the relevant relation to it.

    Edit metric tree from Metric trees page

  • Click Preview and then Save to see your changes reflected.