"Measures table" for reporting on Measures

A report on the measures or KPIs in your workspace is a critical business performance insight which will provide a clear and accurate picture of your organization's performance in terms of business and its operational targets. This is important to understand how well are you aligned and meeting the strategic objectives. For example, are the financial KPIs progressing well, how's the revenue stream from sales across different regions, are the operational metrics aligned with the business, and so on.

You can build visuals using our various universal widgets specific to measures like "Single Measure Performance" widget"Compare Measures with Different Units" widget"Current State of Measure" widget"Performance of Measures by Time Range" widget, or build custom charts (line, bar, pie charts) with measures as data source.

And now, you can use this Measures table when you need to understand the performance of measures in your plan, focus area, team, objective, or by owner. Be it the performance of measures of different team members in a team, or how well are each measures assigned to different owners performing, or how well a plan is progressing in terms of the measures in it, this table will let you evaluate how the measures are performing against their deadlines and targets, and to make informed decisions to align better.

From the Table20icon20in20report2 (Table) icon, click the Measure table, select the data source, i.e., the measure details, give the table a title, and click Save. You'll see the table that'll list all the measures within the selected data source - plan, focus area, objective, team, or owner.

You can also build this Measure table in dashboards - Access it from the Widget Library. You can use this table in combination with your other measure related widgets in your dashboard to get quick and actionable insights.


Please note that at this point, you cannot select multiple teams, owners, plans, and so on to look at the progress of the measures within them. This table will not list any measures that're lying under a nested objective.


Click the three dots on the top-right of the Measure table, and click "Settings" to change the data source, i.e., the measure details or the title of the table, and click "Delete" to delete the table from the report.

Table columns in "Measures" table:

Click Table20columns20in20measure20table(Table columns) icon to choose the columns that you wish to display.Measure20tableTable20columns-1

The Common Fields are the ones that're available in Cascade readily, and Other Fields are the custom fields that you configure in Admin > Settings > Custom Fields. While the Measure's name is mandatory, you can choose to display any combination of these common fields in the report:

  • Due date or the End date of the measure.

  • Last update (title only) shows just the title of the update made on the measure either while scooting the progress bar manually and attaching quick and concise updates or detailed updates posted on the Updates tab in the sidebar. Click on it to view the entire content (snapshot) of the progress and the update posted on the measure.

  • Last update (full content) shows the entire update (title and contents) made on the measure either while scooting the progress bar manually and attaching quick and concise updates or detailed updates posted on the Updates tab in the sidebar. The row height is adjusted automatically so that you can view the entire content (snapshot) of the progress and the update posted on the measure.

  • Start date/End date of the measure.

  • Objective under which the measure resides.

  • Progress of the measure at that date and time. Its calculated using this formula: (Actual value - Initial value)/(Target value - Initial value)

  • Created date of the measure.

  • Health of the measure - can be Achieved, At RiskOn Track, or Behind.

  • Progress change (QoQ) of the measure between the last quarter and now i.e., the quarter-on-quarter progress.

  • Expected Progress of the measure at that date and time.

  • Actual Value of the measure achieved on date. This value is then used to calculate the progress of the measure.

  • Description, additional context (if available) for the measure.

  • Team that's assigned for the plan in which the measure resides.

  • Target to be met, which is defined for the measure.

  • Type added to the measure.

  • Risks added to the measure. Click on it to see the risks added.

  • Progress change (MoM) of the measure between today and the last 30 days i.e., the month-on-month progress.

  • Progress change (YoY) of the measure between the last year and present i.e., the year-on-year progress.

  • Owner of the measure.

  • Last Comment made on the Comments section of the measure's sidebar.

The Other Fields may vary depending on the custom fields you've configured for the "measures" in Create Templates and Custom Fields. Some examples are Budget, Effort, and so on. The values that you entered in these fields in the Measures' Sidebar will be displayed in the report.

You can reorder or move the columns around by a simple "drag and drop" action - click on the column that you wish to reorder, and just drag and drop it in the place that you wish to in the table.

Filters in "Measures" table:

You can apply filters to see the precise information, so that you can focus on the data you wish to see in the report. Click the Filter20icon(Filter) icon to choose the filters that you wish to apply.


You can filter the data in this table by:

  • Plan or plans,

  • Focus area(s) within plan or different plans,

  • Team or multiple teams assigned to the plan in which the measure resides,

  • Type or multiple types defined for measures (Applicable only for Essentials and Enterprise+ tiers),

  • Owner or different owners assigned to measures,

  • Actual value is less than, greater than, equals or not equal to a specific value,

  • Condition with maintain measures defined or not defined while tracking progress of a measure(s)

  • Health is At risk, Behind, On track, Achieved, Exceeded, Not started or Not tracked,

  • Progress is less than, greater than, equals or not equal to a specific value,

  • Target is less than, greater than, equals or not equal to a specific value,

  • Unit or units defined for a measures.

  • Custom fields: (Applicable only for Essentials and Enterprise+ tiers) Choose the custom fields that're defined for the measures in your workspace, and apply filters to suit your needs. With measures, we would mostly have only numerical type fields defined. However, if you've added dropdown or text fields, then you need to choose the relevant selectors to filter the data for display:

    • Numerical type custom fields: The selectors in this case are:

      • is greater than - displays those measures that has the numerical value of that custom field greater than the specified value.

      • is less than - displays those measures that has the numerical value of that custom field lesser than the specified value.

      • is equal to - displays only those measures that has the numerical value of that custom field exactly same as the specified value.

      • is not equal to - displays all the other measures that has the numerical value of that custom field not matching the specified value.

    • Dropdown or Text fields: The selectors available for these are:

      • is like - logical operator that checks whether or not a string contains a specified pattern, i.e., choose this selector and enter a part of the text to display those values that would match with this part of text. You cannot specify multiple texts though.

      • is equal to - used for equality test or exact match within two numbers or expressions, i.e., choose this selector when you want an exact match of what you wish to filter for multiple values.

      • includes - used to specify multiple values in a WHERE clause , i.e., choose this selector when you want to return values that would match this criteria. You can have multiple criteria mentioned.

      • excludesused to specify multiple values to exclude in a WHERE clause, i.e., choose this to exclude certain criteria from the filtered display.

Click trash icon to delete the selection, Clear All to clear the selection, and Apply to apply the selection. While applying filters, you've to be conscious about the data that you're filtering by. At times, your options might not fetch the desired results because of non-availability of data in your selection. For example, you cannot choose Progress is equal to 50, and then go ahead to choose Health is Exceeded.

If you wish to remove the filter, use the trash icon beside the options, or click Clear All, and then click Apply to save your changes.

Filtering to this granular level will easily let you know how to scale and focus on your measures.

Group by - Measures table:

To bring in more contextual visualization, we provide you with the flexibility to choose how you want the data to be grouped and presented. Click the Group20by20icon(Group by) icon to group the tables to see the related information. You can group the tables by plan, focus area, team, health, owner, type, custom fields added for measures, and so on, or you can choose multiple options to display your report accordingly.


For example, if you choose health and owner, then the tables will be grouped by owners within a health label - Measures owned by different owners which're on track will be grouped, at risk will be grouped, and so on for the measures owned by different owners. If an option is disabled while selecting this combination, this means you cannot group it by that option, and you'll need to choose some other available options, as per your need.

How to reorder, resize and freeze the table columns in the Measures table?


You can reorder or move the columns around by a simple "drag and drop" action - hover the mouse over the table header columns, click on the column that you wish to reorder, and just drag and drop it in the place that you wish to, in the table. You can resize the column widths by just clicking on the relevant column and dragging the line to the suitable width.

You can freeze or lock the table columns in the report so that the column(s) you want to view stays in place when you scroll horizontally to see other columns. This is useful when the report has many columns that are not all visible on the screen at the same time. 

Hover the mouse over the table header column, click the Lock20symbol(Lock) icon to freeze that column. You can freeze any number of columns the same way. This frozen column(s) will move to the left and the gray line indicates the frozen position. When you freeze a column or columns, that column(s) will always be displayed even while scrolling horizontally in the table. While all the columns to the left of this frozen column will be fixed, all those on its right will be scrollable.

When this report with frozen columns is exported, you'll see the gray line indicating the frozen column position. However, in the exported version, you'll not be able to scroll through the rest of the columns since the interactivity is not supported in the exported version.

To unfreeze or unlock the columns, hover the mouse over that column header, and click the Locked20icon (locked) icon.


Does this table also contain information on metrics?

Yes, if those metrics are connected to measures, then you'll see that information in this table.

Can I build a report that has only the actions?

Yes, click Discover icon to build a Discover View table and choose the entity as Actions. Apply filters to drilldown to see your desired data.

Can I export the report or share them externally?

Yes. You can export them as a PDF at the report level and share them. Or, export the individual widgets (tables or charts) to CSV format to get the data out of Cascade and be used in some data system elsewhere. External sharing via a link in the mail will be coming soon.

I do not see the measures that're created under a nested objective.

Yes. Unless you choose the objective under which they're created, the measures under a nested objective will not be listed when you choose the top level objective, focus area, or plan.

Where do I see the custom fields applied to measures?

You can build an Objectives table and choose Other fields in table columns or apply filters in that table to filter the custom field information on measures.

Can I export the report to CSV?

Yes. Though you cannot export at the report level, you do so at the individual widget (table or chart) level. Click the three dots and click Export to CSV. The table or widget will be exported successfully in CSV format. Note that only those columns that you've made available in the table will be exported and if you wish to have any more columns, you need to first edit the table and add those before exporting them.

I'm only seeing a column on risk in the measure tables, where will I see the risk matrix?

If you want to see a risk matrix, go to the goal hub of the measure in which the risk is added, and in the Risks tab, click Report this. You'll be redirected to a new reports page with the risk matrix populated. Or, you can click the Chart icon to insert a Risk Distribution Scatter Plot and choose the relevant objective to bring up the visuals on the risk added to it.

Can I upgrade just one member of my Team to premium so that I can make more full reports? And leave the others at the free end for them to just view reports?

No, the tier benefits are at workspace level, and not at user or plan levels. If you've viewer seats left, you can add them as viewers, and they'll inherit the view access to all functionalities across the workspace. However, the report must also have a public access for others to view it.
If you need to enjoy premium benefits, we can extend your trial for a while so that you can explore all the features that the premium tier has to offer. But the best way would be to upgrade and unlock strategic insights.