Invite or Add New Users

Only users with Admin/Manager roles have access to user management.

You can invite users to your workspace from either of these places:

  • Invite teammates from the bottom-left of your screen from any page.

  • Click Plus20iconicon from the top of any of the pages, and click Invite teammates.

  • From the Settings > Admin > Users tab.

  • From the Plans and teams page. (See Adding users from "Plans and Teams" page)

You need to provide their email address and the role that you need them to have, and click Send Invite(s).

The Roles can be:

  • Admin: Can manage billing, strategy model, company, teams, users, and everything else.

  • Manager: Can create/manage plans and teams, users across the organization.

  • Contributor: Can create/edit plans they have access to. They cannot invite users nor can they perform or view Administration page.

  • Viewer: (Only for Essentials and Enterprise+ tiers) Can view and comment on all public plans.

Note: If you are on a Free tier plan, then you can invite your available user seats only as Admins. Manager, Contributor roles are available only in the Premium tier, and all the roles including Viewer are available in the Essentials and Enterprise+ tier.

Once the invite is sent, the available seats and the subscription amount (seen in the Billing tab) gets adjusted automatically.


On inviting, in the Users tab, the user list is updated with the status as Invited, and you can edit their details further by clicking on the three dots in their respective row. You can sort the fields by filtering the users based on Status or Roles or both.

User details-1

The Status can be:

  • Invited: Invite sent, and not accepted by the user. 

  • Enabled: User has accepted the invite, and logged into the workspace. Or, if you've invited an user who already has an account with us.

  • Disabled: User has been disabled, and cannot log back in.

Other details in this page include:

  • Job title

  • Role

  • Last login

  • Export to CSV to export the user details in CSV format.

  • Bulk actions to delete, disable and enable users in bulk.

Team member receives the email:

Once the invite is sent from the workspace that's created, a mail is triggered, and the invited user can see their invitation from Cascade in their inbox.

  1. Click Accept Invite, and sign-up to log into the workspace.

You need to enter your email address if it is not auto-populated. Please do not click Continue with Google/Microsoft/LinkedIn when you're accepting the invite to join the workspace.

  1. Just type in the password, and click Continue

  2. In the next screen, enter your name and job title. You'll now be enabled in the workspace and can start collaborating.

If MFA or 2FA is enabled in that workspace, then the user needs to enter an OTP for completing the authentication process. If it's an SSO enabled workspace, then the user needs to click Continue in the You've been invited modal to complete the authentication process. See The First Login to Workspace for details.

If the invited user already has an account with us, then they're added directly into the new workspace without having to authenticate again. This is because we've linked their accounts and mapped them across so as to bring down the noise and clutter during login or sign-up. However, during subsequent logins, they'll be asked to choose the workspace they want to work on.

Remember, their username is automatically their email unless you change it in the Admin > Users settings, or the user can change it from My Profile under their profile initials at the top right-corner from any of the pages.

If the user misses the invite or if the invite is expired, click Resend Invite from the three dots against their name, and they will see the mail in their inbox. You can also copy-paste the link from the Copy Invite Link, and pass the invite link over to the user.

How to add user from the "Plans and Teams'' page?

The users can be added from both All Plans and All Teams tabs. 

From the All plans tab:

  1. Search or click the plan that you need. The Planner page opens.

  2. Under the Plan details area, click the three dots against the objective, measure or action and click Edit.

  3. In the Edit Objective (/Project/Measure/Action) window, expand the Collaborators section, type the email address of the user you need to invite. As you type, it will prompt that the invite will be sent in mail, and when you click on it, the mail address gets added with '(new seat)' mentioned, and there will be a message displayed on the user seat and subscription changes.


  4. Click Save.

From the All teams tab:

  1. Click + New team, if you want to create a new team and add new or existing users to it.

    1. The Create new team window opens.

    2. Enter a name (mandatory) for the team and in the Team members field, you can add existing users from the list, or type the email address of the new user. As you type, it will prompt that the invite will be sent in mail, and when you click on it, the mail address gets added with '(new seat)' mentioned, and there will be a message displayed on the user seat and subscription changes.


    3. Click Save.

  2. (Available only for Admins and team owners who're Managers and not contributors) Search or click the team to which you need to add new users.

    1. The respective Teams' Home page opens.

    2. On the right side, under Team members section, click Add team members.

    3. The Team members window opens, and under the Add new tab, you can add existing users from the list, or type the email address of the new user. As you type, it will prompt that the invite will be sent in mail, and when you click on it, the mail address gets added with '(new seat)' mentioned, and there will be a message displayed on the user seat and subscription changes.


    4. Click Add.

Please note that in both the above cases, the user will be added as a Contributor only. If you wish to change their role, you need to do this from the Admin > Users page. See Edit a User to know how to change roles for a user.


While inviting users, I can see different type of roles assigned to them, though I've not explicitly assigned any.

Yes. While you're inviting during the Free Trial period, you can choose to assign them as Admin, Managers, Contributors, or Viewers. If you do not choose any, by default, Contributor role is displayed and assigned. Once the free trial is over, the invited users will retain their roles. However, they'll not be able to do Admin or Manager related actions till you upgrade to paid account. New users cannot be invited until the minimum number of users is at 3.

Now, when you invite them via the Collaborators section of the objectives/measures/actions, or from the Team members option in Teams pages, they'll automatically be invited as Contributors. You can later assign them to a different role, as needed, from the Admin > Users settings.

If you're in a Free tier plan, then you can only invite users as Admins, and can have only 5 users in your workspace.

I invited my team member to Cascade but they have not received the mail still.

Please check if the mail is in the spam folder, and if its not available in anywhere, go to Admin > Users, search for the user, and from the three dots against their name, you can either click Resend Invite to send the invite again, or click Copy Invite Link, and pass the link to them to access it, and sign-in.

I've been using my personal email id and now want to change it to my official id.

There's no way you can change your mail address from the platform. Instead, you can invite your official email address as a new user, reassign the goals from your personal to this official id, and then delete the personal id from the workspace.

What happens if a role of the user is changed?

If the role is downgraded from an Admin, then they'll lose all the superpowers of Admin and

  • will be able to do tasks on a plan, goal, report and dashboard based on their permissions.

  • They'll be able to carry out user management activities if they're assigned a Manager role, and

  • will be able to just review and post comments if assigned a Viewer role.

If the role is upgraded from a Viewer, then they'll have access to execute strategy based on their permissions.

  • They'll be able to do user management if assigned a Manager role.

  • If they're assigned a Contributor role and have access to plans, then they'll be able to view or edit the plans and goals depending on their permissions.

  • If they're assigned an Admin role, then they can do anything in their workspace.

Can I assign goals to a disabled user?

No, a disabled user cannot be selected to either own a goal or be a collaborator. You can assign goals either to a user who is Invited or Enabled in the workspace.

Is it possible to invite team members into the workspace without notifying them?

No, not at this point in time. Since, you give their email addresses which is mandatory, they'll be notified the moment you add them.

How to know user engagement with the workspace?

You can build Initiatives table in a report to see how they're performing on their goals. Also, you can look at the Last login details and know when they've logged into the workspace last to know about their engagement.

Can I add dummy mail ids to the users while adding them in the workspace?

Email address is a mandatory non-editable field and so it must be a legit email address of the user while you invite them to your workspace.

What happens if a user is disabled or deleted?

Once a user is disabled/deleted, the user seats and the billing will automatically get adjusted. These users will still appear in the workspace with '(disabled)' or '(deleted)' next to their names. The Admins can transfer the ownership from these users by doing a bulk reassignment from the Admin > Bulk tools tab. See Bulk Operations: Goals and Plans.

Can I export the users in the workspace?

Yes. If you're an Admin or a Manager in your workspace, then you can click Export to CSV in the Admin > Users tab to export the users and their details.