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How to Set-up a New Workspace

This is applicable only for Partners. Others should not create additional workspaces as it'll lead to a lot of confusion and noise with respect to user management, alignment, collaboration, and so on. If you've multiple workspaces attached to your account, please reach out to us.

You can create new workspaces, and by default, you'll be the Admin of the new workspace you created. These new workspaces will be in Free tier, unless upgraded. No information is shared between the workspaces. Even if you're removed from one of the workspaces, your other workspaces will continue to work as expected, as there is no relationship between workspaces.

You cannot edit the workspace name nor can you delete it. Reach out to our support to get these done.

Click your profile initials at the top-right corner of any of the pages, and click Create New Workspace. You can also logout of the current workspace, and on the login screen, you can click the Create New Workspace.

  • Enter your job title, 

  • edit name (if needed), 

  • name your workspace, 

  • choose the workspace region from the list, and click Create Workspace. The region that you choose here will be the one where your data will be stored.

Once you've created a workspace, Create Workspace will be replaced by Switch Workspace, and now if you wish to create another new workspace, you can do so only from the login page.

Unless you've created workspaces with the same account, you'll not see "Switch workspace" here.

Getting Onboarded

  • Sign into the New Experience of Cascade, and you'll be given a free trial of 14 days to enjoy all the paid tier benefits, post which, you'll be moved to the Free tier plan. You can upgrade to paid tier at any point of time. See Subscriptions and Tier offerings for more related information. 

  • You can decide to create your objectives that you wish to accomplish in the next three months, or skip it for now. 

    • Create objective(s) and click Continue -  you'll be taken to the Planner page.

    • Click Skip - you'll be taken to the Home page.

You can now start creating plans, related objectives, create and collaborate with teams, and so on. Go through the relevant articles to help you with your requirements.


Can I change my workspace region?

Please reach out to us if you wish to move your region. But remember that, your data will not be migrated to the new region.

How to rename my workspace?

Please reach out to us to rename or update your workspace name.

How to delete a workspace?

You need to reach out to us and we'll disable the workspace for you. If you wish to restore it sometime in the future, we'll get that done for you. All your plans, dashboards, reports will be intact except for the users as they'll be removed from the workspace while disabling it.