Custom Fields: Text

This feature is available for "Essentials and Enterprise+" tiers, and is accessible only by the "Admins".

A free text is useful when you want to capture free text information on your goals. The Text Box is ideal for when you want users to add more context with a few words or a short sentence without any text formatting and add alphanumeric data or any links to connect to an external system. You can configure text custom fields to capture data like Project code, cost center details, response to legislated standards or governance requirements, vision, departments, etc. This'll allow you to capture and track quantitative as well as qualitative data points of interest to your strategy and organization.

  1. From the profile picture/initials, click Admin > Settings > Custom Fields tab.

  2. Either click Create new template or click the existing template to edit it.

    • If its a new template, give the template a name. Replace Untitled with the template name by entering into the text box. Custom20FieldsAdd20Group-4

  3. Now, select an entity (Objective, Measure, Project or Action) for which you need to add the custom field, and click Add Group.

  4. Click into the New Group text, and enter the name of the group. In the relevant entity's sidebar, you'll see only the group ("Project Management" in this example) displayed and all the fields (Project code, References) added to it will be seen only on expanding the group. Click the trash icon to delete a group. Add group in Text custom field-1

  5. Click Add Field to proceed.

  6. Choose Text from the Field type dropdown list.

  7. Enter the name of the text field in the Label text box and choose <Field name> - New text field from the dropdown list. New field added to text custom field-1

  8. As and when you fill in the details, you can see a preview of it.

    • Character limit - Enter a number to limit the amount to characters that can be used in when filling in the field.

    • Default value - If needed, prefill the field with a specified option.

    • Required - Select this check-box to make this field mandatory, otherwise it'll be optional.

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Each field is auto-saved once populated. Click Add Field to add additional custom fields within the same group, or Add Group to create a new group of custom fields. While you can drag and drop the fields to reorder them within the group or move between groups, you can also drag and drop the groups in any order so that they appear the way you want them in the Sidebar.

If you wish to add an existing custom field, then select that field from the Label dropdown list. And, if you edit a value in the custom field, click Edit values. See Edit existing custom field section in Create Templates and Custom Fields for details.

Click the three dots against the plan name and click Plan settings. Choose the relevant template from the Custom field template dropdown and click Save to apply the custom field to the plan. Once applied to a plan, you can then populate data for the relevant custom fields from the Edit sidebar view. If you wish to add context with rich text, you can use the goals' Description field in its sidebar.

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