Create Related Metrics

You can establish a hierarchy within the metrics in your workspace either with calculation or without calculation. In Create Aggregated Metrics with Metrics Calculations, you learnt how to create metric trees with calculations like addition and average between the connected or manual metrics. In the aggregated metric, the progress is rolled up to the parent metric from its child metrics. 

You can also create a metric that is related to other metrics, but with no calculation. This is especially useful if you have metrics that are related to each other, but are calculated in another source, like a spreadsheet. In that case, you can create a new metric that is related to other metrics, but does not perform any calculation. There is no roll up of progress from the child to the parent metric as they're already calculated at the source.

For example, you can link metrics which have different units such as currencies, people, hours, etc., to get the whole picture of a Sales team and their different metrics. Or, while setting up a tree with leading and lagging indicators for a top level metric just for visual representation as they don’t have the same units and don’t need aggregation of data.

  1. From the Metrics > Library > + Create new metric > Connect to a source or Metrics > Connect metrics tab, choose the source in which your data is available.

  2. Establish the connection and follow the steps to import the relevant metrics into the Metrics library. See Google SheetsMicrosoft Excel to know how to import metrics from these sources into Cascade.

  3. Click Metric trees. Drag and drop the relevant metrics from the left pane.

  4. Connect the metric tiles and choose Related option.

    Related metrics

  5. Click Preview to view the hierarchy of those metrics.

  6. Click Save. Now the metrics are linked, but no calculation will be performed to roll up the progress.

Now, when this related parent metric is connected to a measure, you can see a sub-measure relationship with its realated child metrics or measures connected to the relevant child metrics in the Planner page. If you wish to explore more on sub-measure feature, please reach out to us and we can enable it for you.

Click the parent metric in the hierarchy to view or edit the related metrics from its Metric Tree tab.

Edit from the metric sidebar

The icons detail:

  • Metric connected to a source Whether the metric is connected, calculated or manual. This icon here says that the metric is connected to a source.

  • Metric trend The trend of the metric - higher or lower

  • Number of child metrics Number of child metrics under it. In this case, it says there're 2 child metrics under it.

  • Number of measures connected to the metric Number of measures connected to that metric. Here, it shows 0 as there're no measures connected to the metric.

You can also edit the metric tree to add or remove any child metrics. 

You can edit or delete a metric either from the Metric tree tab of its sidebar or from the Metric trees page.

Click the metric and from its Metric tree tab, click Edit metric tree.

  • Select the check-boxes of the metrics that you need to remove from the relationship and click Remove selected.

  • Or, click the Trash icon against the relevant metrics and remove them.

  • If there're also calculations in the metric tree, you can choose to change the option to Sum, Average or Related from the operator dropdown.

  • Click Add metric and choose the metrics that you wish to add.

    Edit from the metric sidebar (1)

  • Click View metric tree to revert or click Save to see your changes reflected. 

Or, click View full metric tree. This'll open up the metric in the Metric trees page.

  • Click on the metric tile that you wish to remove, and click the Trash icon.

  • If there're also calculations in the metric tree, you can choose to change the option to Sum, Average or Related from the operator dropdown.

  • To add a new metric to the existing tree, drag and drop the metrics from the left pane and assign the relevant relation to it.

    Edit from the metric tree page

  • Click Preview and then Save to see your changes reflected.

As and when the value of the child metrics changes, the metric tree is updated with the values automatically.