"Compare Multiple Objectives" widget

Use this widget when you need to see how each objective is progressing over time. You can select either the objectives that you own or the objectives of different owners or plans. 

For example, expand to 50k users or generate 10m revenue, increase footfall or traffic, how these high-level objectives are progressing over time from different areas.

While the minimum selection of objectives is two, you can select as many objectives you want to analyze - a line chart of their progress is seen. You can edit the default date range to suit your need. You can also add this widget in your reports from the Chart icon there. See Generate Reports for details.


Hover the mouse over the line chart to see how much progress (in %) was made by an objective at a particular time. Click into the chart to open the context table - you'll see the details like owner, due date, progress, health, and the plan in which the objective belongs. You can sort the fields, the way you want. You can further expand or drilldown to view its associated success criteria. Click into any of these rows to open the relevant entity from the Sidebar.