"Compare Multiple Measures" widget

Use this widget if you want to analyze how each measure (of same unit) is progressing over time. You can select the measures of different objectives and owners. 

For example, you can compare how the self-serve revenue is over a time range, or the inbound-outbound pipelines, expenses over quarters, etc..

You need to select at least two measures within the date range, and it'll allow you to select only the measures of same units. You'll see a line chart displaying the different measures in different colors. You can alter the dates to suit your needs. Toggle the bars to Display numbers and the target.

compare measures widget-1

The dots represent the actual value entered by the users. Hover the mouse over the line chart to see the actual data on the different measures at a particular time. Click into the chart to open the context table - you'll see the details like owner, due date, progress, health, and the plan to which it belongs. You can sort the fields, the way you want. Click into any of these rows to open the relevant entity from the Sidebar.