Apply "Filters" to the data in Reports

Though you can get strategic insights from the basic report or with specific table columns, you can further drill-down to give you more flexibility and granularity into the level of data you wish to see in your report.

You can apply filters to see the precise information, so that you can focus on the data you wish to see in the report. Click Edit Table Settings, and click Filter.

Filtering by "custom fields" is available only for Objective and Measure tables.


You can filter by:

  • Owner or owners, 

  • Progress: Choose to filter progress by less than, greater than, equal to, or not equal to a certain percentage of the expected progress.

  • Health: Choose among At risk, On Track, Behind, Achieved, Exceeded, Not Started, and Not Tracked.

  • Types: (Applicable only for Essentials and Enterprise+ tiers) Choose the types that you wish to see. For example, operational, strategic, functional, etc.

  • Custom fields: (Applicable only for Essentials and Enterprise+ tiers) Choose the custom fields that're defined in your workspace, and apply filters to suit your needs. If the same custom field is available for multiple initiatives or entities, then it'll appear with a prefix of the entity type. For example, if you've Priority as a custom field for both objective and action, then in the list, it would appear as Priority and [action]Priority to differentiate.

    • Dropdown or Text fields: The selectors available for these are:

      • is like - logical operator that checks whether or not a string contains a specified pattern, i.e., choose this selector and enter a part of the text to display those values that would match with this part of text. You cannot specify multiple texts though. For example:

        Custom field


        Values displayed


        is like Mod

        Displays all objectives that has Priority as Moderate


        is like DE

        Displays all objectives that has Regions like Denmark, Deutschland, Democratic Republic of Congo, and so on.

      • is equal to - used for equality test or exact match within two numbers or expressions, i.e., choose this selector when you want an exact match of what you wish to filter for multiple values. For example:

        Custom field


        Values displayed


        is equal to Moderate

        Displays only those objectives that has Priority as Moderate


        is equal to Denmark

        Displays only those objectives that has Regions as Denmark.

        Weightage (numerical dropdown)

        is equal to 10

        Displays only those objectives that has Weightage assigned as 10 exactly.

      • includes - used to specify multiple values in a WHERE clause, i.e., choose this selector when you want to return values that would match this criteria. You can have multiple criteria mentioned. For example:

        Custom field


        Values displayed

        Priority (added for projects)

        includes Moderate, High

        Displays all those projects that has Priority as Moderate and High


        includes HR, IT

        Displays all those objectives that has Departments as HR and IT.

      • excludes- used to specify multiple values to exclude in a WHERE clause, i.e., choose this to exclude certain criteria from the filtered display. For example:

        Custom field


        Values displayed

        Priority (added for projects)

        excludes Low, Moderate

        Displays only those projects that has Priority as High or Medium and not Low and Moderate

    • Numerical type custom fields: The selectors in this case are:

      • is greater than - displays those objectives and success criteria that has the numerical value of that custom field greater than the specified value.

      • is less than - displays those objectives and success criteria that has the numerical value of that custom field lesser than the specified value.

      • is equal to - displays only those objectives and success criteria that has the numerical value of that custom field exactly same as the specified value.

      • is not equal to - displays all the other objectives and success criteria that has the numerical value of that custom field not matching the specified value.

      • is empty - displays those objectives and success criteria which has no data populated against that custom field.

Click trash icon to delete the selection, Clear All to clear the selection, and Apply to apply the selection. While applying filters, you've to be conscious about the data that you're filtering by. At times, your options might not fetch the desired results because of non-availability of data in your selection. For example, you cannot choose Progress is equal to 50, and then go ahead to choose Health is Exceeded.

If you wish to remove the filter, use the trash icon beside the options, or click Clear All, and then click Apply to save your changes.

Filtering to this granular level will easily let you know how to scale and focus on your objectives.

Filters in "Teams" table:

You can filter the data in this table only by the owner or owners - just type in their mail addresses, and apply the filter to look at the report at an individual level.

Filters in "Initiatives" table:

At this point, you can filter the data only by the "Initiatives type" i.e., either by objectives, measures, or actions, or by a combination of these. We'll be introducing a couple more options very soon.

Filters in "Measures" table:


You can filter the data in this table by:

  • Plan or plans,

  • Focus area(s) within plan or different plans,

  • Team or multiple teams,

  • Strategic Type or multiple types defined for measures,

  • Owner or different owners assigned to measures,

  • Actual value is less than, greater than, equals or not equal to a specific value,

  • Condition with maintain measures defined or not defined while tracking progress of a measure(s)

  • Progress is less than, greater than, equals or not equal to a specific value,

  • Target is less than, greater than, equals or not equal to a specific value,

  • Unit or units defined for a measures.

  • Custom fields: (Applicable only for Essentials and Enterprise+ tiers) Choose the custom fields that're defined for the measures in your workspace, and apply filters to suit your needs. With measures, we would mostly have only numerical type fields defined. However, if you've added dropdown or text fields, then you need to choose the relevant selectors to filter the data for display:

    • Numerical type custom fields: The selectors in this case are:

      • is greater than - displays those measures that has the numerical value of that custom field greater than the specified value.

      • is less than - displays those measures that has the numerical value of that custom field lesser than the specified value.

      • is equal to - displays only those measures that has the numerical value of that custom field exactly same as the specified value.

      • is not equal to - displays all the other measures that has the numerical value of that custom field not matching the specified value.

    • Dropdown or Text fields: The selectors available for these are:

      • is like - logical operator that checks whether or not a string contains a specified pattern, i.e., choose this selector and enter a part of the text to display those values that would match with this part of text. You cannot specify multiple texts though.

      • is equal to - used for equality test or exact match within two numbers or expressions, i.e., choose this selector when you want an exact match of what you wish to filter for multiple values.

      • includes - used to specify multiple values in a WHERE clause, i.e., choose this selector when you want to return values that would match this criteria. You can have multiple criteria mentioned.

      • excludes- used to specify multiple values to exclude in a WHERE clause, i.e., choose this to exclude certain criteria from the filtered display.

Filters in "Progress" table:

You can filter the data in this table only by the plans or focus areas or both - just choose them from the list, and apply the filter to look at the report as required.

Filters in "Discover" table:

Click + Add filters to choose the filters that you wish to apply.

Before you apply filters by certain fields, make sure they're chosen as table columns so that you can see the filtered data in the report.

Filters in Discover table-1

You can filter the data in this table by the same fields as available in the table columns. Depending on the filtering condition available, the goals are listed in the table. For example, if you choose Progress and filter by progress minimum 50%, then it'll display all the goals whose progress is atleast (equal to or more than) 50%.

Similar to table columns list, the custom fields for filtering are also available under the demarcated line. And the options available differ for each kind of custom fields, i.e., while the Dropdown custom fields can be filtered with "Is" and "Is not" options, the numerical fields can be filtered with the options "minimum", "maximum" or "between" number(s). 

The dropdown custom fields have a hamburger icon as prefix, text fields a T symbol and the numerical fields a hashtag.
Endorsement custom fields are not available for filtering.