Add Risks

When there's an anticipation of an uncertain event or condition, that has an effect on the outcomes that you wish for, then they're termed "Risks". In other words, risks are things which you're worried could happen with regard to the objective, but have not necessarily happened yet. This effect may be negative, or a deviation from the expected. Risks can be:

  • Internal: Some of these can be

    • Strategic - potential impact of strategic decisions

    • Operational - possibility of business operations failing

    • Compliance - potential of your business to violate existing laws

    • Financial - Financing and the amount of debt you incur to finance your operations.

  • External: Some of these can be

    • Regulatory - new laws coming out

    • Economical - market crash

    • Demand - down turn on demand or competitors in to the market

    • Sociopolitical - lockdown, political instability, inflation

    • Environmental - fires, hurricanes, global warming

How to add risks?

Admins and only those with edit permissions on the entity (objective, measure, action or project) can add risks and mitigations to it. Once added, the owners and collaborators of the risk will be notified.

Open the Edit Sidebar option of the relevant objective/measure/project/action, and go to the Risks tab.

  • Click Create a Risk.

Risks are defined per entity and do not have a relationship between entities, meaning, if you create a risk for an action, then that risk is just meant for the action, and will not be inherited by the associated objective or project.

Risk Creation_Step 1-1

  • Give the risk a meaningful title, and a description.

  • Define the Likelihood (probability of the event to happen on a scale of 1 to 10), and

  • Impact (impact of the risk on the outcome on a scale of 1 to 10), and

  • Based on these two factors, we calculate and display a Risk Score (Likelihood * Impact) for you. The risk score will let you know the severity of the risk (low, moderate or high) which can guide in decision-making.

  • Click Next Step.

    Risk Creation_Step 2

  • Choose a date - toggle the switch if you wish to have the due date of the entity as the expected date.

  • Type - choose from the list, can be Budget, Operational, Logistics, External, COVID, and so on. You can choose multiple options too.

  • Owner - choose the user who'll be responsible for this risk.

  • (Optional) Collaborator - choose the collaborators who'll be accountable, and be notified on these risks.

The Owners and Collaborators of the risk would be notified that a risk is assigned to them.

Click Create to add the risk or Go back to go back to the previous step.

Once the risk is created, you can click the three-dots against it to edit or delete it.

How to add mitigations?

Admins and and only those with edit permissions on the entity (objective, measure, action or project) can add mitigations to the risk in that entity. Once added, the owners and collaborators of the risk will be notified.

The risk gets added under the Open status section, and you can now expand the risk to add Mitigations.

  • Click the arrow in the risk tile and click the plus icon to add mitigations. These're steps that can be taken to avoid the risk from happening or to lessen its impact.


  • Once added, the number of mitigations appear alongside the risk as Mitigations.

  • As and when you're done with a mitigation, select the relevant check-boxes, and the the 0/4 will change to 1/4, 2/4, and so on.

Click the three dots against the mitigation to edit or delete it.

Edit or delete risks and mitigations:

Admins and and only those with edit permissions on the entity (objective, measure, action or project) can edit or delete risks and mitigations added in them.

From the Risks tab in the entity's sidebar, click the three-dots against the relevant risk and click

  • Edit Risk: Edit the risk title, description, due date, type, owners or collaborators.

  • Move to closed: Change the status to closed and move it under the Closed section. You can also do this by a simple drag and drop action.

  • Re-evaluate: Change the Likelihood and Impact scale so that the Risk Score is re-evaluated.

  • Delete: Delete the risk and its associated mitigations.

For mitigations, click the three dots against it to edit the mitigation or delete it from the risk.

View risks in Goal Hub:

Click Goal20Hub20iconSidebar4-1 to access the Goal hub of the relevant entity, and navigate to the Risks tab. You can drag and drop the risk to Closed or Open Status or just move their positions. You can add risks and mitigations from the relevant add options. Also, you can click the three dots against the risk or mitigation to edit, delete or do other relevant actions.

Risks_GoalHub_Table View

Click Report this to open the Risk report from the Reports page. 

Risk Report:

Risk Report

In this report, you can:

  • See a Risk Matrix that shows the various risk positions mapped to their scores. If you delete this, you'll need to create the report again.

  • Edit table settings - Set table columns as:

    • Risks - the risk titles

    • Owner - owner of the risk

    • Collaborator - collaborator of the risk

    • Risk Type - External, Budget, Operational, etc.

    • Status - Open or Closed

    • Mitigations - Completed mitigations Vs No. of mitigations (0/4, 1/3, etc.)

    • Score - Risk score (Likelihood * Impact)

    • Due Date - due date of the risk

  • Edit table settings - Group by: group table data by risks, score, status or responsible (owner)

  • Drag and drop the components using Drag icon(5)icon

  • Add headlines, notes, images to add narratives. Click the pie chart to add a chart on health of the objectives.

  • Click the table icon to add a report in the usual way. This'll have any plans or objectives and will not be restricted to this risk or entity. See Generate Reports for details.

  • Click Save a Snapshot to take a snapshot of the report at a given point of time. Click View Snapshots to view the snapshots taken.

  • Click the Expand Report(1)or the Expand icon for reportsicon to display the report in full page view.

  • Click Comment Report(1)to comment on a report or snapshot.

  • Click Presentation icon(1)icon to view the report in presentation mode.

If you just wish to see the risks in a report table without building one exclusively on risks, then use the "Objective Table", and select "Risks" from the list of table columns that you wish your report to display.

Risk Widget:

Use the Risk Distribution Scatter Plot widget from the Dashboards or Reports to build a risk widget that'll show the count of risks within an entity (objective, measure, project or action), along with its likelihood, impact, and risk scores. See "Risk Distribution Scatter Plot" widget for details.

Risk distribution scatter plot-1


Who can add risks and mitigations?

Only those with edit permissions on the entity (objective, measure, action or project) can add risks and mitigations to it. Since Admins have overriding permissions, they can add risks to any of the entities in any plans.

Who can delete a risk?

Essentially, Admins or the owner or collaborator of the goal in which the risk is added can delete the risk.

Can I share the risk report with external stakeholders?

At this point, no. You cannot share with any users outside of your workspace. You can share the report and set access permissions by manually defining those.

Will the risk created for an objective affect its associated success criteria?

No. The relationship of risk is 1:1 i.e., it's related only to the entity to which it is attached to.

Does the ‘risk’ relationship type have any overlap with the risk feature?

No, not at this point in time. These features have no bearing or integration with each other.