Add Link to External Support within Cascade

You can access our support resources like Knowledge Base, Video library, Release notes, Blogs, and so on within the workspace to help you in understanding and using Cascade better. From the bottom left of the navigation pane, click Help > Help center.

Access help

Now, if you wish to add links to your own documentation or resources like any training videos, onboarding resources, how to guides, and so on within Cascade to provide additional help, you can enable it from the Admin page.

Only Admins can access this page and enable the option.

Addig external support link

  1. Navigate to Profile picture/initials > Settings > Admin > Workspace Settings.

    Workspace Settings

  2. Click Add a link against External Support.

    External Support modal

    • Label: Enter a suitable name. Please note that it cannot have more than 20 characters.

    • Link: Enter your external support link.

    • Enabled: Select this check-box to enable the external support link. If this is not selected, then you'll not see the link to your external resource page.

  3. Click Save.

You'll see the added label under Help in addition to our Help center.
External support link

Later, if you wish to disable the link or edit it to change the link address, you can do the same from Admin > Workspace Settings page.

Click the Pencil icon against the External Support, edit the label or link and click Save. Or, de-select the Enabled check-box to disable it from the workspace.