Add Descriptions to your Plan

When creating or editing your plans, you now have the flexibility to include additional context. While the plan name is limited to 50 characters, you can provide more details such as an overview, vision, mission statements, values, summary, and so on in the Description text box.

You can add Headlines and paragraphs, and use the rich text editor to

  • Align content left, right, or center.

  • Incorporate ordered or unordered bullets for displaying details.

  • Highlight text in bold, italics, or underline format.

Description_ Plan Overview (1)

You can also embed the videos by copying and pasting the link directly or click the Link icon (Link) icon to add links to its source. For example, you can embed any supporting training videos or provide links to any external documentation to provide clarity and additional details.

Plan description (2)

These details will be visible on the Planner page. To modify the plan name or description, simply click the three dots next to the Plan name and select Plan Settings. Additionally, you can perform an inline edit from the Plan's sidebar on the Plan Alignment page or the Plan tab in the Focus area page. Click on the plan and from its sidebar, click the Pencil icon to make edits.

Descriptions in Plan (1)