Add Charts to your Reports

You can add charts to your reports in addition to the tables to enhance visual appeal and make the data more accessible.

Click Chart20icon (Chart) icon and choose the type of widget that you need to add. You can either add some basic widgets or Custom charts to build a perfect visual the way you want.

You can drag and drop the widgets at the place you wish to have them in the report. Click the three dots against the chart and click Export to CSV if you wish to export the widgets in a CSV format.

Custom charts:

  • Bar chart is built when looking at the performance across a plan(s) by focus areas, or to understand how individual team members are doing on their respective goals,

  • Line chart is built for looking at how revenue has progressed over a time period, or the number of tools manufactured in a quarter,

  • Double y-axis line chart is built to look at how the funding allocations on a goal is distributed across projects, or to understand the profit margin vs the net debt ratio,

  • Pie chart is built to look at how the progress or performance is sliced across entities.

Custom charts-1

Hover the mouse over the charts to see the progress over different dates. In the case of "line", or "double y-axis line" charts, or when you've chose time in x-axis in a "bar chart", then you can change the date or time (hourly, daily, etc.) ranges by clicking on those components, and view the real-time changes in the chart.

Also, in these charts, if you chose Average tracked value of measures in the data arrangement section, then you can toggle the Show target switch to display the target in the charts. This helps you understand how the performance is with respect to the target, and lets you decide further.

With line charts, or when time is chosen in x-axis of bar charts, if you wish to see how your data progressed when compared to a period back in time, then you can click Compare to, and select either year on year, month on month or week on week, and the number of periods to see the visualization accordingly.

If you're tracking your company's financial performance like the ARR, market share, net profit, or sales' revenue generated, this "compare to" feature will let you understand the historical trend, and guide you in decision-making. In these cases, you can toggle the Display Numbers option to see the progress on the chart itself instead of hovering over to look at them. 

Furthermore, with bar charts, you've the option to look at the performance of your measures or metrics at a very granular level, i.e., when you choose Average progress of measures (%), or Average tracked value of measure in y-axis, then the Non-cumulative and Cumulative options are displayed which lets you to decide how to represent the measure's progress over time. To help you understand how your measure progressed individually every day, week, or month, like in website's performance, number of tickets handled, NPS, etc., selecting non-cumulative option gives you the clear picture.

In each of these charts except in Pie charts, you can toggle the Display Numbers option to show the values on the chart itself instead of you hovering the mouse over them to look at them or viewing from the context table.

Basic widgets:

  • Health of your plan - To understand how your plan is progressing in terms of focus areas, and health of the objectives (ahead, at risk, etc.,).

  • Compare multiple measures - To analyze how each measure (of same unit) is progressing over time. 

  • Compare multiple objectives - To see how each objective is progressing over time.

  • Single measure performance - To check how a measure or KPI or metric has performed over time. This is tracked against the target and the expected progress, and will let you analyze the course of action.

  • Compare measures with different units - To understand how measures of different units are performing or progressing over time.

  • Compare multiple measures by owners - To see how measure or KPI (of same unit) of each owner is performing.

  • Performance of measures by time range - To analyze how different measures are progressing over a time range. This will display the progress across different dates over a date range, more like viewing the historical progress.

  • Current state of measure - To see how a measure is performing today when compared to a previous date - is it progressing or behind. Irrespective of its tracking method, i.e., even if the measure has "maintain" targets specified, their values can be pulled into this widget.

  • Compare measures by time range (Line over Bar) - To understand the quantitative change of one measure with the trending of another measure, both measures can be in different unit.

  • Risk distribution scatter plot - To see the count of risks added to an entity and how those risks are distributed with its likelihood and impact scores. This heatmap will let you derive mitigations on how to tackle the risks and adapt early in the cycle.

  • Performance of single metric - To check how a metric has performed over time.